Friday, December 10, 2010

Cocktail and Appetizer Night- Devilled eggs and minty chicken balls

Families are special and deserve a celebration once in a while. So to make tonight a party night we decided to have an Appetizer and Cocktail Night instead of a regular sit down meal. My husband made cocktails on demand, even the girls got several rounds of Shirley temples. It was flirtinis for the adults. Cheers everyone.

Deviled Eggs

Ingredients: (serves 4)
8 Eggs hard boiled and peeled
3 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tsp mustard
salt to taste
Cracked black pepper
A few sprigs of Fresh or Dried Mint
  • Cut the hard-boiled eggs gently in half lengthwise.
  • Scoop out the yolk in a bowl and place the white shell on a serving platter.
  • Add mayonnaise, seasoning and finely chopped mint to the yolk and mix very well.
  • Now spoon this mixture back in the empty egg white shells.
  • Sprinkle with more cracked black pepper and garnish with a mint leaf.
  • Cover and refrigerate for minimum 2 hours or max up to a day before serving.
  • Serve over a bed of lettuce.

Minty Chicken Balls
This is a twist on the classic chicken balls recipe. The mint sauce gives it a freshness and an Indian BBQ feel. You can even serve these inside a wrap and it will taste like kathi kabab. This is a great recipe for a party.  With my girls, it was a great hit.

Ingredients:(serves 4)
For Chicken balls (makes about 30)
1 lb Minced chicken
1 egg
1/2 red onion finely chopped
3-4 cloves garlic crushed
4 tbsp dry breadcrumbs
salt to taste

For mint sauce
1 cup each packed fresh mint and coriander
1/4 red onion
2 cloves garlic
Green chilies
2 tbs tomato paste
  •  Mix all the ingredients for the chicken balls thoroughly.
  • Shape into small 1 inch balls.
  • Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown OR  Bake at 375F for 15 minutes.
  • Make the mint sauce by putting all the ingredients (except tomato paste) in a blender with a little bit of water and blending till it becomes a fine minty concoction.
  • In a pan put a tsp oil and add the mint sauce along with tomato paste and bring to a boil. Now add all the chicken balls and coat them thoroughly with the mint sauce.
  • Simmer covered for 2 minutes to let the flavors seep through.
  • Serve hot.

Mozzarella Skewers

Ingredients:(serves 4)
100 gms Mozzarella cheese (cut into 16 cubes)
16 small cherry tomatoes
16 pitted kalamata olives
1/3 cup Roasted red pepper dressing (Or Greek salad dressing)
  • Divide cheese, tomatoes, and olives among 16 toothpicks.
  • In a shallow dish put the dressing and place the skewers in it. Turn the skewers to coat evenly.
  • Let them marinate for 15 minutes at room temperature before refrigerating.
  • Remove skewers from marinade before serving. (Discard the leftover marinade)

Tzatziki Sauce
I have very often heard parents complain about their kids not having veggies. A great way to lure them to do so is by serving the salad alongside a great tasting dip. This one here is a sure winner every time. Mild in taste and low in fat, this greek dip is usually served cold with souvlaki and gyros. Garlic and the crushed mint gives it a unique flavor.

1/2 cup thick plain yogurt
1/4 cucumber peeled, grated and drained
1 tsp olive oil
1tsp lime juice
1 small clove of garlic crushed
1/2 tsp dried or fresh mint
salt to taste
  • Put the yogurt in a muslin cloth and put it in a strainer over a bowl.
  • Let stand in the fridge for 4 hours to separate the liquid from the thick yogurt.
  • Mix all the ingredients together with the strained yogurt.
  • Cover and chill.
  • Great accompaniment with shish kabab and grilled fish.

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